
DoomBook (VR)

DoomBook is a social commentary VR experience on the psychological effect of Doomscrolling and the consumption of excess social media. The game was built in the Unity Engine for the 3rd Rapid Prototype at the MEAE program at University of Utah. The requirement of the project was to a VR serious game using art style of Pop Art.

Watch as your colorful and vibrant Pop Art style bedroom turns into a dull and dreadful mess, as your life gets consumed by the endless stream of negative social media.

As the engineer for the project, my focus was on building the VR functionality, creating the intractable phone with the social media feed, a tool to create social media posts and implementing the system that causes your environment to degrade as you scroll through your social media feed. I also integrated all the art and sound effects.

We used DALL-E 2 to create AI generated images for the social media posts, which also fits into the “Pop Art” association with the artists’ use of mechanical means of reproduction or rendering techniques.

Gameplay Video


  • Carl Kingston
  • Dylan Caperton
  • Saurabh Sood
  • Landon Beaty
Tech Artist
  • Jiyuan (Casper) Cheng

itch.io Store Link Github Link